nginx: stable 1.23.1 (bottled), HEAD HTTP(S) server and reverse proxy, and IMAP/POP3 proxy server # 以下是安装nginx路径 /opt/homebrew/Cellar/nginx/1.23.1 (26 files, 2.2MB) * Poured from bottle on 2022-10-18 at 18:00:26 # 安装源 From: License: BSD-2-Clause ==> Dependencies Required: openssl@1.1 ✔, pcre2 ✔ ==> Options --HEAD Install HEAD version ==> Caveats # 根目录 Docroot is: /opt/homebrew/var/www # 配置路径 The default port has been setin /opt/homebrew/etc/nginx/nginx.conf to 8080 so that nginx can run without sudo. # 启动路径 nginx will load all files in /opt/homebrew/etc/nginx/servers/.
To restart nginx after an upgrade: brew services restart nginx Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run: /opt/homebrew/opt/nginx/bin/nginx -g daemon off; ==> Analytics install: 29,315 (30 days), 115,535 (90 days), 454,216 (365 days) install-on-request: 29,264 (30 days), 115,323 (90 days), 453,381 (365 days) build-error: 3 (30 days)
# 输出信息 nginx: the configuration file /opt/homebrew/etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /opt/homebrew/etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
Bootstrap failed: 5: Input/output error Try re-running the command as root for richer errors. Error: Failure while executing; `/bin/launchctl bootstrap gui/501 /Users/heminxin/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.nginx.plist` exited with 5.